While I agree there is merit to having your head, heart and body all in the same place at the same time - I also find that notion a little too simplistic [gasp!]. Denying ourselves time to reflect and space to imagine, robs us of being human. It's our relationship with our past and future that matters, and ultimately impacts our present moment.
In my experience the key to being in a 'good place' in the present moment is having a resolved past with views of an inspiring future.
A resolved past is different to a forgotten past. They are not the same. Resolution means you can revisit people and places of past and the hurt is gone. There is room to build something new. If you can't go back, you are not resolved. If you say you've moved on - you haven't. Sorry, but that's the way I see it based on my own experience (I went around the world TWICE to find that out).
I've come to observe that many people interpret 'letting go' as sweeping things under the carpet. To me, letting go is what needs to happen before we can have resolution - it's not the resolution itself. You need to let go of being right and create a space for peace. You need to let go of blame, judgement, anger and resentment - then replace that with understanding and compassion. This only happens by choice. We need to choose it.
So how do I know all this? Because I've been there - I am there - I choose this often (willingly and unwillingly). But before I continue to talk about here and now, it's best we find out how did I get here. Well, it all started with a twinkle in my Dad's eye...
Until next we greet, create a space in your life for resolution to occur (start with an easy one).
Love Grace xxoo