Sunday, 29 January 2012

A story that needs to be told...

In 1997 I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I didn't respond well to medication and in an attempt to restore myself, I retreated to my parent's beach house located between the sea and vines on Victoria's beautiful Mornington Peninsular.

Soon after settling into my new abode, I picked up a copy of The Celestine Prophesy at a local bookstore. I ate the words like a starving child and started to become acutely aware of 'coincidences'.

Soon after devouring the last chapter, I won tickets to see an internationally renown DJ who was touring Australia. I was paired with a blind date and after our introductory pre-event drink, we made our way to the night club. As we turned into a quiet St. Kilda street, I couldn't help but notice a bright orange, free-standing stove on the side of the road. It had a large handmade placard which read, "FREE 1973 In Working Order"... It was a sign (literally and metaphorically).

At that point, four men seemed to appear out of nowhere and I asked them if they could assist us in loading the stove into the back of my car. They obliged. It was a perfect fit - unlike my blind date.

My life has taken me on a terrifyingly thrilling roller coaster ride since that day. Yet always remaining in the background was the free stove. Somehow that stove represented something about me and my future, but I didn't know what. I believed that if I walked through doors that appeared before me and followed the unknown paths that followed, I would be taken on a journey that I could never have planned for myself.

This is the story of The Freestove. This is the story of my life.

- Grace xx

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